What I Can Do For You

Lighten your billable load by outsourcing research and writing projects to California Legal Research.

I Work For You

California Legal Research, Inc. works for you, the attorney, researching the law and performing writing assignments, whether it be appellate briefs or trial motions (summary judgment, demurrer, motions to strike, and the like). I’m passionate about delivering to you smart, strategic legal solutions to help you serve your clients better. Experience is central to my work but passion and commitment are what help me forge successful relationships with you, my clients.

You Remain in Control

In providing you with research and writing services, I do not come between you and your client; you remain in control of the representation. I neither provide legal advice to your client or you, nor do I practice law on your behalf. What you receive is prompt, accurate response to your research or writing request and clear, well-written work product, consistent with your demands. With my many years of experience, I draw upon the resources of LEXIS® and traditional law-library materials to provide you with the answers you need for your clients.

Access to LEXIS® Legal Database

Use of the LEXIS® research tools costs you nothing. CALRI’s rates include the charge for LEXIS® access. Thus, you pay less than if you were to perform the online research yourself.

Get Help Meeting Tight Deadlines

CALRI’s writing services help you at those times when you need help meeting tight deadlines. Do you need crisp, cogent writing to help you meet the demands of your clients, the courts, and other counsel? CALRI can help you, and promptly.

Available As Needed

Best of all, you can use CALRI’s services as often or as infrequently as the demands of your law practice require. California Legal Research, Inc. allows you to retain valuable clients and maintain a manageable workload during interim periods of growth or expanded workload. I produce high quality work product, save you valuable time and resources, and cut down on the expenses you charge to your client.

Please note: CALRI does not perform legal research for non-attorneys and does not provide writing product for non-attorneys. Please read the Terms and Conditions of Use and the disclaimer.